Friday, August 29, 2014

Tl;dr: CircleMe is a dead social platform, wanting to create mechanical doorbell a connection with a

Four months ago I read this article about an up and coming social networking site called CircleMe and decided to try it out, as I often do with any social platform that seems to be “the next big thing”. After spending some time getting to know the community and meeting some interesting folks, I was starting to dig the platform but a new social networking site showed up and everything changed… What is CircleMe and why I decided to give it a go
In case you’ve mechanical doorbell never heard of it, CircleMe helps you collect your interests in one place by pulling them from your Facebook Likes, Foursquare checkins, Goodreads catalog and Netflix streaming activity. The appeal of the whole process is that all this collecting and organizing allows you to engage with others based on their likes, while promotes cultivating new interests through the discovery mechanical doorbell of new information or the recommendation between users.
Since CircleMe was still in Beta I patiently waited for an invite and created a profile as soon as it arrived. Once I had a neat profile mechanical doorbell filled with my likes, all that was left to do was spending some time wandering around, getting to know the community and interacting with other users.
At first I liked the experience: The aesthetic of the site is super nice. The conversations with other users were slowly arising (always via messages because you don’t have walls or comment boxes). I received some cool recommendations mechanical doorbell music and film wise. Some of my colleagues and friends were joining me there.
So here we have another social network “that s all about your interests,” it reminded me a little bit of the mojo behind CircleMe so I gave it a try just for the sake of comparing both of them. is all about three things: broadcasting your interests, making mechanical doorbell new friends and discovering great content about your favorite things. I would say it’s a mashup of Twitter + Facebook + Google Plus -because mechanical doorbell the sharing spirit is the same- with a little bit of the Hubpages’ ways of connecting and treating others (if you’ve ever been active in Hubpages you’ll probably know that people there really seem to care about each other).
To mechanical doorbell wrap this up I will make a list of my favorite features of along with the things that put a smile on my face while hanging out there: You can combine text, photos, videos, links, or polls in a Chime. Every Chime can be tagged with relevant Interests and when you decide to follow someone you can just choose to follow mechanical doorbell specific interests instead of their whole waterfall of content. The neverending community challenges: from helping funding a well in Africa to the #LetsStayTogether Project , the users are always mechanical doorbell up for the next group activity. The Leader mechanical doorbell Board: these guys have put together a great source for finding and connecting with active users, a list of the Chimers who sent the most talked about Chimes during the day (updated every 6 hours and placed right by your Chimeline). I’m constantly learning from the interaction between users and UberMedia’s team . From managing complaints to spicying up the conversation, the Community Managers and Editors help this community evolve mechanical doorbell and grow on a daily basis.
And I could continue adding items to this list all day long. If there’s anything negative about the current state of it would be that it has attracted mechanical doorbell too many ghost users who are probably only using the platform to place links to their sites, but it’s just a matter of not engaging with them and keep on connecting with real people.
Tl;dr: CircleMe is a dead social platform, wanting to create mechanical doorbell a connection with another person there is like trying to make friends with a collectible sticker album. is filled with people who are open to discussions and are not afraid of engaging with others. End of the story.
Poor CircleMe, I went on there and I seriously didn’t get it. It felt like I had just put down all the things I liked (that I could remember at that time) but there was no good way of communicating with others. mechanical doorbell
I tried to give it a go but didn’t get on with it. I really do like more but the community is very small and although a lot of users “like” posts, they rarely comment so there is little social interaction which is what I want from a platform.
Thanks for leaving your input, Rhys! I think you need to spend some more time on and maybe expand your connections there because the Chimers I deal with tend to leave comments and share really cool stuff.
Certainly, we would have hoped to read a more positive review. However, we agree that there are many things you mention that we can improve and this is why the whole team has paid attention to this blog post.
We are really working hard to make the service as useful and pleasant as possible for all users. However, here I would like to ment


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