Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Yes, but currently we have, as always trouble: Enterprise

Since September souljewelry 2013 in Lviv route runs 9a new tram manufacturing plant Lviv "Elektron". Low-floor tram production of L'concern "Electron" city acquired 12 million. Those in power say - foreign counterparts at least twice as expensive. Vehicles - fully computerized, each system runs a special program that is connected to the host computer. Among other advantages technology - climate control, Wi-Fi coverage, comfortable seats, door opening if necessary, GPS-control. 2.Tak tram is in the middle: 3. 30 meter husynetsya produces dramatic effects on children. It seemed a very long train) 4. 5.V each section tramvaychyna hanging on the monitor of course by "Electron". They currently broadcast advertising. 6. The driver's souljewelry cockpit also gives the impression 7.Kintseva stop pl.Soborna 8. So tram is on backside
Yes, but currently we have, as always trouble: Enterprise "Electron" has not received funds for a brand new tram that runs Lviv. This November 7 at the Board of Lviv Regional State Administration souljewelry said Lviv Mayor Andriy Garden. "11 million are on the Treasury Account," Electron "can not get them" - the Garden.
From: barbuljak 2013-11-15 03:25 pm (UTC)
This is two car tozhe Almost 30 metrov.Prosto t evropeyskyh many cities uzkye ulochky and two car for example WILL tseplyat uhlы houses and etc. NOW Symenm and pity with rossyyanamy sochynyayut to Moscow podobnыy cube only with the povorotnыmy karetkamy.Tak Problems How yznosa rails Indeed sylna.No tehnychesky poka No one invented rotary and carriage Such husenytsы.Tehnychesky difficult.
From: anderver 2013-11-15 03:49 pm (UTC)


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