Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Democratic model They want a democratic model of representation that allows people to attend meeting

Par Antoine Roger Lokongo, le Soldat du Peuple engagé dans la bataille des idées pour un Congo meilleur et parténaire clé de la Chine, un pays sous-developé, qui, en un lapse de temps, a changé son destin en comptant sur ses propres efforts et devenu une puissance.
The police say several hundred protesters threw rocks at them and they responded. The protesters claim this is part of a campaign to keep them quiet. As with most things relating to the mine, located north of Mokopane, the truth is opaque. Parts of the community and the mine are at loggerheads, with both insisting their truth is absolute.
The basic facts are straightforward. Ivanhoe through its local subsidiary, Platreef began prospecting in 1998. It found a rich concentration of platinum below the farming antique door bells fields of five villages and applied for a mining antique door bells right in July last year. This was signed by Ngoako Ramatlhodi, minister of mineral affairs, on November antique door bells 5 this year.
The northern limb of the Bushveld Complex is already home to Anglo Platinum s Mogalakwena mine. Its large grey dumps create an artificial wall on the northern horizon of the area under which Platreef is planning to mine.
Natural boundaries Mountain ridges to the east and west hem the 150 000 people living antique door bells in the area into a long valley. The agricultural town of Mokopane previously known as Potgietersrus sits to the south. A video of the Platreef website shows a sophisticated and highly mechanised mining operation driving what will be one of the world s largest platinum mines.
But the facts depend on who is interpreting them. Everyone seems to have their own agenda. Makgabo was shot on November 26 after community members gathered in an attempt to stop the mining. She has been opposing the mining for several years and first spoke to the Mail & Guardian antique door bells last year.
She says she was told by a mining committee established by Platreef to sign over her fields in return for R5 250 a year in compensation. When I said I did not want to sign, they said my grant would be taken from me, she said last year.
Makgabo is part of the Mokopane Interested and Affected Communities Committee, one of the five community groups opposing the mining. It has splintered. They say the mine does not have their support to operate on their land and has not explained how communities will benefit.
Investment and job creation Platreef says the underground platinum antique door bells mine will bring $1.6-billion in investment and create 10 000 jobs. A broad-based black economic empowerment model will give a 20% shareholding to communities. But to own this, they need to buy the shares with their dividend payouts. Platreef says the shares will be administered by trusts, which will be used to invest in local development. Entrepreneurs and employees can own another 6%. Until these shares become profitable, it has promised antique door bells to give R11-million a year to the community or R6 a person every month.
Ivanhoe, antique door bells which also has mines in the Democratic Republic of Congo, antique door bells owns 64% of Platreef. A Japanese consortium owns the other 10%. Since 1998 the company has had several highly placed employees and directors.
Cyril Ramaphosa was a director until he resigned last year, with his office saying antique door bells his share had been donated to the Shanduka Trust. A 2006 United States Securities and Exchange Commission notice antique door bells lists Moses Mayekiso, now the head of the Workers and Socialist Party, as a director. He did not respond antique door bells to questions about his time at Platreef.
Platreef has consistently maintained that its mining application has the support of the community, antique door bells through its traditional leader, Vaaltyn antique door bells Kekana. At Kekana s inauguration in 2001, after the death of the former chief, the head of Ivanhoe, Robert Friedland, presented him with a leopard skin. Kekana was paid R30 000 a month during the prospecting phase, which the company says is reasonable remuneration antique door bells for time spent on company activities antique door bells .
Kekana has facilitated Platreef s consultation with the community. The mine says it paid him in part because of the logistical cost of his help. But representatives from two of the community groups opposing the current mining model say this situation antique door bells prevents opposition.
Democratic model They want a democratic model of representation that allows people to attend meetings in public spaces, he adds: This thing of the mine saying the chief supports the mining and therefore we all support it cannot be right.
The representatives of each are eager to sit down with journalists and share their case in detail. Each account is slightly different, but dissatisfaction about the perceived undemocratic structure of the chief s consultations and the share of the 20% community antique door bells ownership dominate antique door bells their narratives.
A member of the Kopano group, representing five of the 20 affected communities, he prefers to meet at a hotel on the outskirts of town. The community consultation so far has been about ticking boxes,


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