Wednesday, September 17, 2014

But the star of the evening was ... the neckline of Valérie Hortefeux. So there, arms me fall. Bric

When Tibetans found themselves snl doorbell stuck with journalists in the metro police, when the Chinese were being recruited to the slap, smile clamped on the passage of the Chinese President to the Champs-Elysees, at the time of China specialists were trumpeting praise and compliments on sarko-Chinese relations, the best and elected representatives of the French people were preparing for and accoutraient the coolest party of the year, the gala dinner at the Elysee Palace in honor of Chinese snl doorbell President and his wife, November 4, 2010.
A dinner that had to be could not be more boring but essential was not the atmosphere, it was necessary to be and know. For those who want, and many of you, here is the speech by His presidential Sufficiency issued the first couple to China.
And was invited all that matters in France as internationally renowned artists, just to drool with envy at their Chinese TV: Jean Reno, Alain Delon shone in their suits and tuxedos.
Elected representatives marched on the steps of the presidential palace, eager to show the world that the French people had been right to choose and the adulation. It is true that when you come from the people, one must please, to make good to such an opportunity. Thus, the average French says, they are beautiful, so we the people, as it is beautiful. The illusion is always tough because the beautiful snl doorbell cover on its caring attitude, a hint of disdain for the ugly who admires. The poverty that is displayed is indigestible for those people!
Jean-Francois Cope and 36,000 monthly income snl doorbell were more than mere deputy mayor of Meaux. The situation made him Duke. It was the Duke of Meaux, although in his boots, although the Brie from want; and mostly well dressed and the arm of a sublime woman, he paraded on behalf of the people.
Valérie snl doorbell Pécresse out of his car and the cold of the night helping, readjusted her black shawl while sticking to her husband. But, knowing filmed and photographed, she was willing to withdraw for one admires her shoulders and bare backs. The cold was not far but rest assured, folks, be a glamorous evening in November, it takes a hell of luck!
There were those who usually like Jack Lang. Yes, a socialist party was. A beautiful old socialite left caviar. The opening is glamorous. Strange still this unit between the left and right caviar champagne!
There were those who had stage fright, a first time in the elite sarkozique, it freaks the chips. This is what transpired in the well made up mine Yasmina Besson and her husband, Eric. It should not regret having made the leap from the western passage, that one.
And then the anxious face of Kouchner despite the dress slit his wife Christine Ockrent, reminded us that life is difficult even for the rich and powerful. The downgrade makes you become an ordinary Joe older, on a snap of the prince, at this age, it's hard to swallow after a stock of hats that remind you that your old exploits never erase the betrayal of the causes you defended. snl doorbell Bernard Kouchner must have a funny taste in your mouth!
And Roselyne Bachelot? We must find him a jumper, this woman is only arriving in a transparent black outfit snl doorbell but hinting a panty of the same color. Unless this is provided by the designer, you can ask questions!
But the star of the evening was ... the neckline of Valérie Hortefeux. So there, arms me fall. Brice has unearthed a cannon. Him, if unglamorous, so little spoiled physically and mentally, snl doorbell found the girl. Admittedly, this is a beautiful babe, and she is of Norwegian origin. Shit, as a foreign brides Sarko and Eric Besson! Note however that these three have tightened procedures on mixed marriages mais..passons paraphrase snl doorbell Finkielkraut! So a foreigner, but not just any. Valerie snl doorbell used to these moments with the most simple people.
She spends her time between her office, Fouquet's, Maxim's Business Club, a very exclusive Automobile Club de France and the Jockey Club. To relax, she often went to Marrakech, snl doorbell where she finds friends or people like Marc Lavoine Marc-Olivier Fogiel hence its amazing for a November tan.
You will see on the video this parade of representatives of the people of France, snl doorbell people at work so brave, so be mindful of fairness, morality. Short men and women who shaped the strength of their wrist, their talent and their work. The French like us.
And the content of C.


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