Thursday, May 1, 2014

This does not mean that scientific medicine is prepared to recognize the existence of auras and bio

Bioenergy and aura - is there really a biological energy. Test Emily Pink - Garden Balkans | Garden Balkans
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If you believe a bioenergetics, every living creature is surrounded by an energy field called aura. This field does not contain any of the energy that knows physics (which is already in the beginning it seems immeasurable using standard scientific methods), but a complex, dynamic life energy generated by the human spirit, his consciousness, emotion carillons and intuition. Some people claim to have been able to see the aura, they can be trusted because there are forms of migraine, epilepsy or disorders center of vision in the brain that cause such blurring of vision. A person who has glaucoma eye KJA also see around every shining object band made up of rainbow carillons colors.
The term "aura", otherwise, has two meanings. One is a purely medical and represents carillons a collection of symptoms that signal a beginning of an attack (eg epilepsy or migraine) and where the patient is conscious, so you can use them to prepare for the attack. carillons We are here not to talk about it, but the aura of such astral carillons sheath around the body, which has nothing to do with the first meaning. Fans of the New Age claim that using the Aura can not only be diagnosed each disease, but also to heal the action of the aura of the patient. This form of therapy is with us and the eastern countries called the treatment of bioenergy, and z APAD therapeutic touch (therapeutic touch or abbreviated mp). Therapy aura is somewhat broader term, because the term except bioenergetic therapy involves some techniques, such as crystal therapy, aura-soma (the combined effect of "vibration" of crystals, color, light and smell the ill person) and so on.
The modern method of treatment bioenergy 1972. Was developed by Dr. Kruger Dolores (Dolores Krieger), a member of the Buddhist religion, which later became a professor at New York University, and Dora Van Gelder Kunc (Dora Van Gelder carillons Kunz), vice president of the Theosophical Association, occultist and alternative isceljitelj. This all inserted immediately began to teach nurses, and a surprisingly high response rate of participants contributed to the rapid spread of the popularity of this procedure.
Hands therapists are placed horizontally, carillons so that the thumbs touching, palms facing down. Direct contact between the therapist and the patient is not required; their energy fields are able to interact without physical contact. The therapist will feel the various manifestations of power, It lists some of them: heat, cold, tingling, heaviness and attract.
4th final stage makes "modulation". Therapist's hands hover over parts of the patient's body that have unbalanced energy. Therapists may have different approaches carillons at this stage, at its sole discretion.
With us is the great popularity of bioenergy contributed Davitašvili jungles, where many patients went to the Soviet Union to therapy. Also, the tendency of the media (primarily print) to the sensations contributed to the popularity of lightning bioenergetic carillons therapy, so that today a large number of people mistakenly think that this kind of treatment scientifically verified. Therefore, it should be noted that the existence of the aura as the energy field has never been scientifically proven, nor the effectiveness of bioenergy. Yet her popularity is very high and, in all likelihood, continue to grow. Although in our bioenergy is still illegal or semi-legal deal only individuals carillons in the world has a hospital where she was legally taken place as part of therapy.
This does not mean that scientific medicine is prepared to recognize the existence of auras and bioenergy, but that simply wants to take advantage of the fact that this form of treatment successfully compensated the lack of warm human contact between doctor and patient in the cold and forbidding hospitals. For this mainly trained nurses and nurses that do not require knowledge of medicine at the level specialists to socialize with patients and thus repaired their mental carillons state. Pinch the patient's hands imaginary aura they certainly will not make any harm to his health, but it will do so calm and happiness. In addition, the placebo effect will contribute to a greater or lesser extent suppress pain and to reduce to a smaller measure hypochondriac ideas that hospitals still bedevils the patients.
With this, of course, will not agree admirers bionergetskog treatment because they resolutely refuse any doubts in this therapy. The introduction of bioenergy in hospitals experienced as a definitive victory, considering that this item was placed on the


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