Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The only new thing that has happened since the election is that the Financial Supervision Director

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Finance Authority Mortgage Survey for 2012 says that in practice already has a considerable degree of discretion and flexibility to compliance with the requirement. The survey covers doorbell wired nearly 4,000 ordinary loan applications that were granted by a selection of Norwegian banks summer 2012.
Of the loans that were given to the purchase of residential property was 27 percent of loans above 85 prsoent of leverage the value of the purchased property. Almost 12 percent of the loans were also higher than the property's value, according to the Financial Supervisory Authority figures. Young borrows much
FSA also viewed borrowers under 35 where a larger proportion are first time buyers. There, the survey shows that 43 percent of the loans were more than 85 percent of the loan value. 19 percent of the loans had a borrowing that was higher than the value of the property that was purchased. The four bourgeois parties' election promise that equity requirement has so far resulted in a letter from the Ministry of Finance Authority.
She believes the letter is a good example of FRP policy. doorbell wired The guidelines, however, already open for a flexible application of the requirement doorbell wired of 15 percent equity. Wednesday next week FSA publishes results of a similar unde incense of the practice in 2013. Finance Committee doorbell wired Chairman Hans Olav Syversen (Christian Democratic Party), doorbell wired which was one of those who demanded a cut in capital requirement from 15 to 10 percent before the election, said the figures indicate that the requirement is complied with flexible.
Chief Economist Harald Magnus Andreassen Swedbank First Securities believes the issue of equity requirement doorbell wired has become an embarrassing case of the four parties that promised a reduction from 15 to 10 percent doorbell wired just before doorbell wired the election.
- So I'm pretty sure the numbers will go down. But not enough that the FSA believes that the claim is practiced strictly. I do not think the FSA will recommend some softening of demand, he said.
- The letter she sent is fine. What is not okay is that she told his party that she has taken steps to obtain a flexible handling of the claim. It says nothing about the letter, says Andreassen.
Chief economist thinks the banks are likely to use the equity requirement as justification when they give discounts on loan applications that the matter had said no to and that there may be an underlying reason why many believe the claim seems devastating for some.
Already in government doorbell wired platform of the Conservative Party and the Progress Party was the obvious doorbell wired choice lifted doorbell wired reduced to a "signal" of the claim should be practiced doorbell wired "in a flexible manner so that it takes into account purchases pay." Political freedom
Conservative Party's finance spokesman Jan Tore Sanner said to E24 at the beginning of the promise of reducing the equity requirement is not included because they did not want to "overrule the FSA in a government declaration for four years."
- I was in government negotiations and know well the wording that was used on this platform and the assessments underlying the formulation, said Jensen E24s questions about when she was going to fulfill election promise. Reiterating after the election
The only new thing that has happened since the election is that the Financial Supervision Director Morten Baltzersen went into the E24 and said that he saw no reason to reduce the capital requirement. Somewhat later, doorbell wired Norges Bank expresses something of the same. Tags: equity, claims, loans, borrower, politics, youth
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