Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. There were two neighbors who live on the warpath. They could meet in the street fight was in the right. After his encounter with Jesus, Mary discovered the true value of friendship la toque menu and decided he would make peace with Dona Clotilde. When you find yourself on the street, very humbly said Dona Maria:
Dona Clotilde, at the time the strange attitude of old rival, and said he would think about it. By the way was blathering: "That Mrs. Maria do not fool me, are wondering sneaking me some and I will not let cheap. I'll send you a gift to see his reaction. " Arriving home, prepared a beautiful gift basket, covering it with a beautiful paper, but filled it with cow dung. "I'd love to see the face of Dona Maria to receive this 'wonderful' gift. Let's see if she'll like this. "
What was his surprise when opening the basket and see a lovely arrangement of beautiful flowers that could exist in a garden, and a card with the following message: "These flowers is what I offer you a proof of my friendship. Were grown with manure that you sent me and provided excellent fertilizer for my garden.
Buenas noches Obp. Muchas gracias por estos mensajes that llevan la toque menu refleccionar la toque menu us to learn something in acercarnos but it ponemos en Dios se practica. Bless you Dios en su día abundance every life.
Very interesting story, happens even with us when I was incredulous, so I was with my family and even with people. How many times I got something from my family and my mother was thinking ta wanting to buy me, she never gave me anything and now ta always so good to be suspicious, and when I gave her also thought so, I thought wrong, Juquei, and even I spoke to my inguinorancia mal.Hoje reap what we planted, I am not more so, today I converted, truly born of God, but WHAT they did with God and so they can clear the mind ...
Good afternoon Bishop ... I already knew the story and it's true: "Everyone gives what he has" .... A full peace and the other is only revenge and hatred ... we can not have that feeling against people but against that damned la toque menu ugly devil of hell ... our struggle is against him. he pushed his luck that our father gave him ... not be accepting a beautiful angel of light, wanting to be better than God, gone bad ... still say he is not stupid? if not ass had not let pride get in himself.
buenas noches la toque menu Mr. obispo soil testimonio un corto pero hace poco fe but yo cuatro years between them by puertas de la los angeles UCKG con mi corazon broken comfianza of sin nadie y esperanza sin alguna but DIOS knew Ivy la unica manera yo yegara el for the hacer tan it off cuando en una canpana DIOS respondio la toque menu dandome un nuevo corazon me .. atodo Esto yo ya estaba en la iglecia of reseda fue el ayi where comenso vessel to be el hoy ya mi vida soy .. estaba la toque menu canviando mis hijos inheritance .. pero otros trasformados Habia un bien sr falling me that yo aun no lo asectaba included indicnada so much about migomisma y asta con DIOS y creo that year en el un tanbien.pase this cituasion luego understood la toque menu that tenia that dejar travajar a Dios en ese aspect of deje yo mi vida entonses have proposed la toque menu to me but used by duscar hacer en Dios went to serve ivy yamada mi mayor serve savior mi sueno al poco tiempo if I hacerco Aquel Siervo yo y el gustaba me invito un cafe, acontecio cuando yo solo hice un single sacrifice for love life mi ese fue that acontecio hacercamiento .. hoy en un cafecito day of year y hace un noviasgo casi un siete months of this apunto conbertirse en un matrimonio es of the siervos something Dios para mi yo tenia in conocia el amor el ni mucho respeto de confianza least conprometida hoy estoy con un Siervo that conocio usted en RESEDA obispo Mr. Aurelio .. gracias y un poquito disculpeme for paying la toque menu su tiempo baliosa pero cuando la toque menu hay un solo sacrifice trust verdadero Dios y en el work aspect that yo pase y in the years that nothing asta acontecio helix part .. yo mi Dios mi bendijo sentimental life, like all mi life ... but y DIOS follow bendiciendo but usted y su wife
Truth! Each gives what he has in abundance la toque menu into your life. We have to have good eyes, when we received baskets of manure. It's nice because the manure itself stinks, but for anything la toque menu else but serves to fertilize and grow, beautiful flowers and fruits. God Bless us ALL ABUNDANT.
Fatima Marques
So beautiful is to have the Holy Spirit and handle things wisely. Using intelligent faith instead of ignorance. Thank you Bishop for letting yourself be used by God and help us in our day to day walk.
Thoughts, images
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