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The interview given exclusively to Six Seconds by dr. Daniel Goleman. Together we reflect on the application of emotional intelligence in our daily lives, at work and in school. Happy reading!
Ever since the publication of the international bestseller dr. Daniel Goleman's "Emotional Intelligence" in 1995, a global movement has developed to bring the practice of 'EQ' (Emotional Quotient) in business, schools, and social communities around the world.
Multinational companies and the American Express Avon began to adopt this concept. Jack Welch stressed the importance of EQ [1]. "The michael battaglia key to professional success" [2] defines the Harvard michael battaglia Business michael battaglia Review. Schools, hospitals, government agencies around the world have begun to adopt practices EQ. From elementary school students to military officials, the programs of emotional intelligence propose a new perspective for people.
According to Dr. Goleman all began one summer day with two professors of psychology. Goleman explains, "John Mayer and Peter Salovey gave life to this area by discussing politics while painting a house." "Salovey (now Dean of Yale College and Professor of Psychology at Yale University) and Mayer (now a professor at the University of New Hampshire) talking about their research on cognition and emotion, and got to discuss a political figure. The question you posed was: How could someone so smart act so stupidly? They came to the conclusion that: to make smart decisions it takes something more than the mere intellect as measured by the traditional Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
Goleman continues to tell "As a result of that conversation, Salovey and Mayer published a wonderful article - but published it on an obscure michael battaglia journal. As soon as I saw their concept of emotional intelligence, so many bells went off. So I thought, "this is a subject on which I write." With more than 5 million copies michael battaglia in print in 30 languages, Goleman was right: the world was ready to learn about this powerful concept.
Goleman, Salovey and other industry authorities will share best practices and the latest research during the 5th annual conference NexusEQ that yes the earth 12 to 14 June in the Netherlands. www.nexuseq.com. This EQ summit entitled "Leading with Emotional Intelligence: Tools and Knowledge for a Sustainable World" is the most complete and comprehensive in the world, featuring speakers from 19 different countries. "This is a worldwide movement but people are isolated," says Goleman. "Anyone who works in solitary circumstances - in school, business, hospital, university, wherever you are, you are part of a community - a virtual community of like-minded people who follow this important work. This opportunity to meet and get to know new members of this 'family' is very important.
What is Emotional Intelligence that makes it so attractive? Part of it is that responds to a widespread longing to understand the complexities of human interaction. Part of it is that allows its practitioners to bring compassion, empathy, and understanding in schools and organizations and in part because emotional intelligence to achieve the final results impressive. michael battaglia
According to Goleman, one of the key advantages is that "emotional intelligence can help people make better decisions.". This increased effectiveness is of great interest to companies and is essential to the education and personal life.
What do American Express, Avon, Shell, Unilever, Nestle, Pfizer, Lockheed, Hilton, Boeing, michael battaglia Motorola and Johnson & Johnson? They are all at different levels that multinationals are turning to emotional michael battaglia intelligence to improve organizational performance.
The value that these organizations are in EQ are in first place in the development of managers, sales and staff motivation. In his latest book, Being a Leader, Goleman explains why the EQ has such an impact on management.
"The EQ defines our ability in interpersonal relationships," says Goleman, and
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