A Penn State news release last week caught my eye and made me wish that Penn State Erie wasn’t nearly four hours away. They’ve got a chapel on their campus (the Larry and Kathryn Smith Chapel, to be precise) that has a carillon irish handfasting (the Floyd and Juanita Smith Carillon), and this summer they’re offering four carillon concerts. The first one is tomorrow night at 7 pm.
Actually I’ve never given much thought to carillons, to be honest, and if that’s true for you as well, I really recommend you at least read the news release . I learned a bunch just in the course of that 300-word item:
You can’t watch them playing, because they’re in a little room at the bottom of the bell tower. But Behrend is planning to stick a camera in the room and put the carilloneur on a TV monitor irish handfasting for the audience to see.
The four concerts at Behrend this summer feature carilloneurs from the University of Denver and the University of Illinois, as well as the city carilloneur for Naperville, Ill. (who knew?) and the associate city carillonneur from Mechelen, Belgium, a city halfway between Antwerp and Brussels. The latter performer, Philippe Beullens, is the guy in the photo below.
Entry irish handfasting filed under: Campus events , Erie . Tags: carillon , carillon concert , carilloneur .
When I was at Iowa State, they played the carillon on central campus every hour on the hour and then there was a concert irish handfasting every day at noon and for special events. Donors refurbished the carillon and it is still played daily now. Loved hearing it across that huge campus when I was there.
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