Monday, January 13, 2014

Imagine, your child or loved one unable to live a full life because of lack. What lack ? Lack of fu

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Imagine, your child or loved one unable to live a full life because of lack. What lack ? Lack of funds needed to provide a higher quality of daily living while living with life altering disabilities. It s a real and painful situation for the family of our seizure survivor, Weslee.
Meet Weslee. Weslee is a young man on the verge of adulthood recently diagnosed with Autism and Epilepsy, now experiencing several different types of seizures daily. Weslee s seizures are life altering, devastating, and medically star trek door chime uncontrolled. Regardless of his diagnosis, Weslee lives his life as a true survivor, not even considering self- pity.
He has one true passion in his life right now, movies. Movies are the resource that helps him through days of pain, frustration, loneliness. In addition to his passion for movies, Weslee has a strong love for animals which keeps him grounded as much as possible to the reality of positive moments in life.
In 2012, after many tests and therapies, Weslee s medical team and family decided together that surgery was the next step in his medical management. He underwent two brain surgeries in order to completely control his seizures and heal his Epilepsy. The surgeries were a success in controlling seizures, yet left him with irreparable deficits in vision and other functions. Regardless of the honorable attempts of his hardworking medical team and family, the seizures returned with a vengeance, It was time to consider another option in the treatment of Weslee s health issues. star trek door chime His medical team and family want a complete approach to his treatment and the next therapy on order is to enlist the services of a multi-purpose service dog. This type of service dog will increase Weslee s safety and quality of daily life by assisting star trek door chime with effects of Autism, Epilepsy, Visual Impairments, and more. Weslee s medical team agreed a dog with this type of training is the only option Weslee has at this time for better health management. Weslee’s Seizure Alert Dog
Multi-purpose service dogs average cost into the tens of thousands of dollars, sometimes up to $ 45,000.00 star trek door chime for training alone. What s a family, already stressed by disability, medical bills, and an average income, to do? Weslee s mom Vikki is not one to give up. After research she enlisted the help of M and R Academy in Florida and soon Service Dog in Training (SDiT), Simba, was chosen to begin training. As the pieces star trek door chime of family star trek door chime life were finally coming star trek door chime together, Vikki realized the family still needed help in funding the acquisition of Simba once training was complete. The family would have to travel across country for final phase in training and to assist in getting Simba home to Weslee. Instead of giving into the stress of financial pressures, Vikki continues the search for help.
While researching the internet for solutions of any measure, Vikki came across a resource website and knew in her gut she had to make a call for help. Vikki dialed the number of National Seizure Disorders Foundation and told us Weslee s story. The instinct star trek door chime was immediate. NSDF made a decision of Love to do everything in our ability to ensure Weslee begin to live a higher quality of daily living.
The family already has a pup, pure bred golden retriever Simba , chosen and in training. Our responsibility to Weslee is to do everything on our power to raise funds needed to complete star trek door chime the training and provide transportation so the family can travel to pick up the trained pup in Florida. The costs are reasonable and NSDF makes it easy for anyone to become a Warrior for Weslee. We know there is a solution for the need of $6,000.00 and you are part of the solution. Be a part of the team of Weslee s Warriors. Take a moment to send your financial gift today… Every dollar star trek door chime donated using the information on this page will go specifically to Simba and to Weslee s family for transportation to get Simba home. In order to avoid PayPal star trek door chime fees, we suggest gifts of 100.00 or more can be sent to:
The most troubling for me is the fear and the sleepless nights. I have not had peaceful sleep since his first Gran Mal (Tonic Clonic) seizure. NSDF asks you to help us give the family peaceful nights of sleep in their future. Every dollar you donate will go toward Weslee s safety and the families Peace.
Imagine for a moment, your child or your loved one at risk literally every moment of every day. With unpredictable and uncontrollable seizures, Weslee is at risk of further brain damage, risk of bodily har


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