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We at National Seizure Disorders Foundation understand the emotion and we understand the need for answers. We live with seizures and we care for others that live with seizures. We are connected with you on this level after the diagnosis. On an important level, you are no longer alone. Answers to many of your questions will be specific to your diagnosis. NSDF steps in where many doctors fear to tread. We become involved door chimes for business on a personal level in your journey with seizure disorder, whether epileptic or non-epileptic. After your diagnosis, overcome the fear by connecting with us:
Why is it so important you contact us, or someone you trust, after your diagnosis? The following fact is perhaps one of the most important reasons for gaining positive door chimes for business support, powerful resources, and knowing there is Hope for a higher quality of daily living: The University of Maryland Medical Center enlightened readers of their website with this fact concerning the effects of Epilepsy and other seizure disorders on Adults: * Psychological Health. People with epilepsy have a higher risk for suicide, particularly in the first 6 months door chimes for business following diagnosis. The risk for suicide is highest among people who have epilepsy and an accompanying psychiatric condition, such as depression, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, or chronic door chimes for business alcohol use. All antiepileptic door chimes for business drugs can increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior. What can be done to prevent this risk? Immediately after the diagnosis, seek help from positive and supportive seizures survivor groups, family and friends, and medical professionals including therapists. National Seizure Disorders Foundation, although we are not medical professionals, provide extensive door chimes for business online door chimes for business and offline support in order to help you understand your diagnosis, your treatment, your prognosis, the risks involved, and the possibility to improve your daily quality door chimes for business of life. The staff of National Seizure Disorders Foundation appreciates you stopping in today to take time to learn what you can do after the diagnosis of seizure disorder. Please take a moment to visit other areas of our website. With your help we are growing daily in order to become a quality clearinghouse of information, a beacon door chimes for business of Hope in turbulent sea of seizure disorder, and a reliable hub of resources and support bringing millions to discover positive seizure management.
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