Monday, November 11, 2013

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Bodo Nu "- I love gulls!
Bjørn Erik Olsen scroll in his latest book. The Storemåsen book. It's just arrived from the printers. The showpieces of gull - a bird award-winning photographer really grateful for his entire career. - Yes, that's jannie right. There were birds, particularly gulls, which made me start to shoot. I'm very intrigued jannie by the seagull. - What fascinates you the most? - Maybe Maas equality jannie with man. There are all kinds of gulls, so there are all kinds of people. jannie Some are king of the hill. Others are modest and cautious. Some think they own the shoreline. And the second is simply jannie the constant bad mood, attacking everyone and everything. Much is transferable, says Olsen. jannie
He decided two years ago. Now it must be seagull. - I thought, why not? I had many photos of gulls, and I had never seen a picture of gulls. Since then I have worked intensively to make my collection even better. I have traveled around in Nordland, photographed and talked to lots of people about seagull. Many people have a strong relationship with the bird, says Olsen. The stories have been included in the book, penned by Olsen himself. jannie - I met an elderly lady in Brønnøysund. She had a gull coming back to her every year. She calls on Jacob. jannie And the day he comes in the spring, she calls Jacob-come-date. When calling friends and family and ask if Jacob is here. She feeds gulls, love it and have company in Jacob. There are many such stories.
Olsen calls a seagull grateful photographers. jannie - It is photogenic! Easy to get in touch with. It is wonderful and elegant to look at. A great pilot, it's jannie amazing to see how the challenge waves and winds. - Many people have a less sympathetic view of seagull? -It is both loved and hated. People get tired of it. I can have an understanding jannie of it. But coastal residents waiting småmåsen, that it will be flying with lovely spring light in the tail, shrill into the courtyard. For me it's coziness, for others it is noise. I have tried to include many aspects in my book. This is a book about seagull in love and war. The large gulls book is already out in bookstores, it is 204 pages and will cost 368 million. It is given on the Olsens publishing Nordland Pictures.
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