18+ writer's block Elyta natsyy! Neosyahnёnno! So. Elite voprosov the nation bolshe chem otvetov lead with fields not even funny toys kazhuscheesya document and deystvytelnoe kazhuscheesya and deystvytelnoe? denial of obvious plevok in eternity fate and image fact humor idiots Pack
Sapienti sat (reasonable enough) Odessa journalist Zoe Kazanzhy after the bloody events of 2 May was appointed Deputy Governor State Administration. Engaged in domestic policy and communications. He believes that people need to know everything that makes power. He wants to rewrite the official instructions to cancel the accreditation. Tells about 7 surprises that awaited her new position. "The building of the Odessa Regional State Administration did not have internet. Without it there is no way intelligently and efficiently perform any work. Surprisingly, people could work so long without internet? My first order was to establish a WI-FI. Some did the rest - revise. I never thought, that adminzdanie in terrible condition. I have been here. But one thing - to come to a brief meeting and return to their usual environment. Another - stay from morning till evening. As the authorities be modern in these walls? doors, panels, space - all soviet type. It affects the job. This needs to be changed 63052 until it began to shape me "* 63052 * * Castration Castration and only Lustration Lustration!
Let's Recall, something 2004m in t TIME vыborov Zoe bыla press sekretarёm Pydrahuya. Winter and spring ÎÍÀ - aktyvystka a member of the Odessa Staff Maidana, thanks to it. Opponent RF-bandytov, 63052 Supporters Hurvytsa. A sweat ÎÍÀ gatherings deputy for the stick, and it became Immediately ego bezuderzhno praises ... and truhlyavыy steel in neё good ... Immediately same.
I know. At the very otkuda Article citation, there neutralization of IOP as follows: "Zoe KAZANZHY, 45 years old. She was born and lives in Odessa. She graduated from the Institute of Journalism University of Kiev Shevchenko. Was correspondent, columnist, was in charge of the department 63052 in newspapers Odesa. 63052 Seven years - Editor- "Word." She accused, who worked with the "regionals" Sergei Kivalov, who owned the publication. Kazanzhy Zoe says: This is the only newspaper at the time wrote about corruption 63052 in the local National Academy of Law, where Kivalov was rector. From 2002 - mediakonsultant and mediatrener programs 63052 OSCE. The owner and director of creative bureau "Toad." It was an active participant Euromaidan. After bloody clashes May 2 in Odessa between pro-Russian and pro-Ukrainian activists, which killed 48 people, was the Deputy Head of domestic policy. - My goal - not destroy all that they have done to me, and to finish what was not done and will benefit the community - says. Responsible for internal policy and communications. ; The people need to know all about the government. Wants to alter official instructions to cancel accreditation and press releases. Do not know the size of their salary. He says it is - not the point. Has the car home. My husband Gennady Kazanzhy - Colonel retired - friend from kindergarten. Calls it his "earthing". 63052 Total - 25 years. 23-year-old daughter Ilona living and working 63052 in Canada, "But this is not about this, and of volume, something all These Years" Rubik's Cube "lived not in the 21 th and 20 th century. Rasskazыval me relatives 63052 of single used IZ nachalnykov 63052 , kotorыy Council 63052 "Èìèäæ" prykazal put itself in the Cabinet in the computer, put no Internet. Online Everybody ego ego is not included.
>> Kazanzhy Zoe says: This is the only newspaper at the time wrote about corruption in the local National Academy of Law, where Kivalov was rector 63052 in 2004 he was not the rector, and calculate. It was about 10 years ago, but do not write fairy tales. And so it was: http://comments.ua/politics/41902-V-160 0-Kivalov-oglasit.html "24/11/2004 10:54 0 16.00 on Wednesday in a meeting of Central yzbyratelnoy commission, posvyaschennoe ohlashenyyu results echoed round of the vote on the President of Ukraine Selector 21 November. This was proUA told the press secretary Sergei Kivalov Heads CEC Zoya Kazanzhy. Kazanzhy did not specify Will Do ohlashenyya question results edynstvennыm, kotorыy rassmotryt svoem at a meeting of the CEC. "Can two or three bыt Question . We have no AGENDA else "- said Kazanzhy. Recall something In the course of a meeting of the CEC, posvyaschennoho ohlashenyyu results pervogo tour the vote, rassmotreno 62 That was the question, IZ kotorыh question about the results 63052 of the vote rassmatryvalsya 63052 51st." In 2014 the same Zoe is already working on bleaching falsifikovanyh mayoral race. Creating Èìèäæ ========= - work Zoy, and эtu Business ÎÍÀ delaet Very neploho. Only IOP me (and I think not only me) bolshe volnuyut REAL Cases, not krasyvыy Èìèäæ, kotorыy ÎÍÀ usylenno sozdaёt stick, and now, indirectly, and new mэrynu.
Today natknulsya in IOP following: Vыyasnylos why Tymoshenko on Choice 63052 mэra Odessy Yulia Vladimirovna podderzhala Trukhanov Tymoshenko vыydya IZ tyurmы, prezydentskuyu joined the race. However, 63052 proyhrav, ostalas Total lysh a leader PA "Batkyvschyna" but not javljaetsja deputy of the Verkhovna Rada. After vыborov in mэrы in Odessa
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