Friday, September 5, 2014

Come now, if you hear My voice, your hand to move two to step into the Promised Land! Believe me, a

Come now, if you hear My voice, your hand to move two to step into the Promised Land! Believe me, a little stuck, do not give up right now! I am always with you, no matter what, because I paid full price for you and will never leave you, you just never give up until you get objective - Promised Land !!! "BUT time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, dog door bell for the Father seeks such to worship him! God is spirit, and those who worship Him in spirit and truth must worship him! "John 4: 23,24" The woman then left her waterpot, and went into the city and told the people, Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did! Could this be the Christ? "John dog door bell 4: 28, 29 Come, come. . . . .elate dog door bell see. . . . .otkrih Well! I found the springs of living water in the desert of the world! Live this Spring. . . . .Isus Is called! Drink of Him and not be satisfied. . . . .mie my soul This water is always clean and fresh. . . .zdrava and comforted her! I saw in the desert, and A Rock.. . .znaete you. . . .Zhiva Is It! I was so thirsty, tired, half dead. . . . . long I was walking through the desert relentlessly zhezhka, I think. . . . . . .hilyadi years have passed since then, when I was expelled from that memorable place called Heaven! Now merciful God for me hit this rock. . . .for not die forever in sin, far from it. . . .obikalyayki in nosedive in helplessness. . . .pustoshta the world. . . . !!! But even hit, Rock did not moan, do not resist, or even complained, but. . . . on the contrary, came out of her water and she was alive because the Living Rock donates Living Water! And here I am, free, healed, dog door bell refreshed. . . . . .stapila'm firmly in it and sieves with New Life from her. . . . .peya I sing because quickened, comforted renovated's life from her! It's like a wonderful tale - Water, which Taz Rock drank made me spring in there constantly springing dog door bell lives and no longer I, but she, this Living Water sing you sing. . . .preliva of Joy, Freedom and Power. . . . . sweeping, rejoice, dog door bell happy, overflowing its banks and watered dog door bell wants to donate all this her life force and songs - Heavenly Joy that comes from her and did not stop to enjoy and sing, tells his tale worlds alive. . . . .for another kingdom, different and distant from here! And sweeping, alive, rejoice in me, Taz River as imperceptibly, I do not know how, grabbed me and took in her different from the world in Heaven and I found myself stepping softly and slowly, a completely new and unfamiliar place - Domain of the King calling is realized glorious place where I stood now. . . . . . ., And there he encountered - Shining Beautiful, August only. . .pristapva smoothly with regal posture and fabulously dog door bell unique, as if they unreal, but actually less real, no doubt because I know it himself King of Heaven 'Tis Domain - as Cheerful, Smiling, sincerely rejoiced to see me in his kingdom !!! He spoke to me as a close friend, and I could not eyes off of him, and heard not. . . . sank into his Spirit of Joy, Laughter alone, unique, compelling. . . . .prilichasht rather chime reminiscent of very unabated Living Waters inconsolable, unstoppable, impervious to coast! Spirit of joy of victory over the bay and all of this holy place is steeped in the spirit of a great victory Joy! It's like, if an underwater kingdom overrun by infinite ocean of Love, Win, Joy! Jump engulfed dog door bell me everything and I did not resist, and I want, crave, crave! He took me with him without saying anything and I just followed dog door bell him in everything, captured by him of his joy, laughter, Victory, which was subordinated whole kingdom left without any resistance in me, obey His royalty, greatness, walk and gesture and glance, his smile as exciting! So I was so easily captured, without knowing or understanding how it happened, as if I was born to him, gave herself, oblivious to all, that I never, dog door bell and nothing and no one else before him there was no forget all follow him, just feeling his hand on my shoulder, stopped and he looked at one of those Heavenly Heights, dog door bell down to earth and at the same moment I was looking on! Would we two, but we did one in full agreement and harmony same as dance of two lovers who look each other not detach and should slightly in love free His Steps, in which he easily takes her! So we looked dog door bell at the same moment, down to earth and supposedly she was away and could see everything! dog door bell He looked faintly smiling, enthusiastic and love, freedom and speaking dog door bell everything, and I do not know how, looking in the same direction continued to hear Rado


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