Borderlands got some good songs as DLC The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned and Mad Moxxi's interphone f3s Underdome Riot. Behold, that Gearbox decided to add one more DLC for the game which is named The Secret Armory of General Knoxx and straight is a gift for fenovete.Mnogo fans complain about the lack of story and Gearbox decided to touch up the story about the new level quite well. The new threat for Pandora named The Crimson interphone f3s Lance. They want everything extraterrestrial technology for themselves and Sabir huge amounts of weapons into a huge underground base awaiting huge invaziya.Vie will have a small window of time to enter and destroy the base along with all weapons inside. Maximum level ovelichen will be 61 and will have many new weapons with which to igraete.Shte has a new level weapons that will be difficult to find. Let's not forget to say that there will be 20-30 new intl bugs flick in which you can test the new pushkala.Nyakoy new enemies such as Crimson Lancer will include Pyro Lancers, who will attack you with torches, Devastator -and which are huge robots and Lance Rocketeers, interphone f3s who will fly over you with dzhetpakove.Novite opponents who are not of the type Lancer Chez include Midgets riding Skag-s as ponies: D card that will play will be completely new and quite obshirna.Tam will I met old friends like Scooter (which will make you a new vehicle), Marcus and Moxxi, which will play a more important role than the last time when we have new sreshnahme.Shte sayuznitsi as former Crimson Lancer interphone f3s named Athena, which will help your mission. After the first mission will be attacked by Crimson Assassin-and wave 2 laser katani.Tova will be one of the most elite players interphone f3s in the game. DLC-it interphone f3s will be just epic! Now traditionally give you a brief treylarche to not only looking at the screenshots!
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