Here another trivial issue that can be very basic, but I did not know and in case it happens to someone the same, I expose. This is how to change a photo or ring tone to personalize the contacts in your address book. After trying messing with customizing Samnsung Galaxi mini, I gave up and I was forced to search for information because he could not for my own.
I could remember reading that there are 2 types of contacts that are stored carilon on the phone and they are stored in the SIM card that gives you the company. When I do I usually keep contacts on the SIM card, because if I change the phone saves me having to enter the data again.
But there is a problem, have the contacts on the SIM card is not possible to customize them, because the card only saves the name and number. By contrast, the contacts saved on the phone if you can customize and modify carilon the timbre provides easy, email, photo and other fields.
- If you want to create a new contact just press the "+" (which carilon is right next to the search box), immediately we will get a menu to choose from if the contact is the phone or the card, and you chose We can edit our new contact details.
- If instead we want to modify a contact and now look what we have two options, first is to press for a second about the contact carilon and we will display a menu where you will find the edit option, there can do what we want. The other option to get to the same screen editing is simply touch the contact to enter the current data and then push the left button of the phone, hence the edit option to modify the data appears to us.
accounts everything is true, but more interesting, it's like awarding a photo to a contact, it still can not tell ... and that's where I give myself up. I've tried, I think everything, and there is no way. Can anyone explain? Reply Remove
as you say, if you copy your contacts from the sim card to the phone card, you can manipulate the information, how much daras out now that you repeated your contacts, carilon and you pointed out that there are in sim card, and they are on your memory card, and choose carilon the ones that are on the card and give it to edit and other menus you will come out, there will YOU CAN attach photos to each contact. Reply Remove
First of all I am a rookie. I tried doing the two choices you either Indica or go to the + and the second option to find the contact edit exiting the menu on this screen once I get nothing. My problem is that I have all my contacts in the SIM and I can not put in the phone. You can help me. Reply Remove
To move sim contacts to the phone card. Enter contacts, then menu, Import / Export, import from sim card notes, carilon make contact to pass on the phone and gives the import button. You will have the problem of having it twice in the contact list, but you can incorporate specific photo and ringtone for that contact. Reply Remove
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